Hello and Welcome

Hello. Welcome to my new blog...'Between the Jackets'. What's it about? Life. Everything that happens between the jackets of birth and death. The real story. It's about people of all shapes and sizes, different personalities, unusual struggles, and funny situations. This also includes children, animals, crawling, creeping, and swimming creatures.

Let's face it, some days life serves you a big plate of worms. Not very tasty in my opinion. Other days it's a 'picture perfect' stuffed turkey next to a crystal dish filled with cranberry sauce. Yum! And please don't forget there are going to be those 'cheeseburger and fries' days, which essentially boils down to the funny, awkward, and in between moments of day to day living. Because life is pretty much unpredictable, I'm going to do my best at getting it right. Some days I know I won't. The best books and stories ever written come from personal experience and the struggles we face every day. These struggles we eventually overcome and, oftentimes, laugh about. They are the hidden treasures that make up the space 'Between the Jackets' and are well worth remembering.

Monday, November 12, 2012

What If you Don't Know How to Dance?

What if you do not know how to dance?

like simple moves of waist wind and skin shake.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Start practicing. Put some music on where you feel most comfortable...and start moving. Any kind of movement is dance. Organized movement is even better dance. But believe me when I say that anyone and everyone can dance.

Haven't you ever watched dancers on a dance floor? Sure. There's the incredible dancers out doing their thing...and very well I might add. But there's also those dancers out there who don't care how well they dance or what they look like as they're doing it; they're just moving to the beat of the music and enjoying it...loving it. They're not worried about who might be watching. Dance is a way for people in this world to express themselves. And the wonderful thing about that is there's plenty of room on the dance floor for any kind of dancer, including you. If there's no room...start dancing and make some more room. Dance because you love it. Dance because there's something in you that wants out...and the right music brings out the best in you. Dance and have fun. Anyone...absolutely anyone can dance.

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