Hello and Welcome

Hello. Welcome to my new blog...'Between the Jackets'. What's it about? Life. Everything that happens between the jackets of birth and death. The real story. It's about people of all shapes and sizes, different personalities, unusual struggles, and funny situations. This also includes children, animals, crawling, creeping, and swimming creatures.

Let's face it, some days life serves you a big plate of worms. Not very tasty in my opinion. Other days it's a 'picture perfect' stuffed turkey next to a crystal dish filled with cranberry sauce. Yum! And please don't forget there are going to be those 'cheeseburger and fries' days, which essentially boils down to the funny, awkward, and in between moments of day to day living. Because life is pretty much unpredictable, I'm going to do my best at getting it right. Some days I know I won't. The best books and stories ever written come from personal experience and the struggles we face every day. These struggles we eventually overcome and, oftentimes, laugh about. They are the hidden treasures that make up the space 'Between the Jackets' and are well worth remembering.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mera's YA Book List: In Which She Reviews... The Crooked Swan by Julie Helm

The Crooked Swan 

What was Kayla thinking when she gave Narissa the solo in the Christmas recital? Caught in a world she thought she’d never be a part of, Kayla learns that what was given in a moment of frustration and pity cannot be taken back so easily…especially with Narissa. As Kayla recognizes within herself a great need to help Narissa dance, she discovers patience and forgiveness, and the beauty found within the soul of a little girl who is more angel than child…she discovers the healing power of love…and the joy found in truly caring for others.
paperback, 146 pages
Published September 1st 2010 by DiamondGatePublishing

The Crooked Swan is a book I would whole-heartedly recommend. The tale written on the pages of this novel is written in a style that I haven't seen in quite a while. The writing is delicate, simple, and all together beautiful.

In Helm's novel, we delve into the world of a ballerina who believes she has it all. Through her, we reach into the world of a small child who aspires to be great, despite her medical issues. This novel could just be another rendition of the ballet, Swan Lake. It could be another book about a woman who has a revelation about her life. It could be another book about a sick child. However, the fact that this book is all, and so much more makes it even more special.

The Crooked Swan is a book that will grasp at your heart. It could make you cry. It will make you smile. And most assuredly, it will make you wonder more about the author's writing. Helm's writing in this novel reminds me of the writing of classic tales. I immediately think of books such as The Polar Express and A Christmas Story, just because of the tone the narrator uses.

The main characters are well-developed, the plot moves along smoothly, and the magical aspects of the tale leave you with a mystery and a smile.

Besides the writing, the book itself is a work of art. Where it matters most in the story, when the protagonist meets "The Clockmaker", two beautiful black and white portraits depicting the setting in one, and The Clockmaker in the other are portrayed, highlighting the significance of this part of the story. And the book, front and back has a simple, but distinctive quality, with the title and other highlights of the front and back cover etched with rivets. Even the inside of the book is beautifully formatted, with swans separating each chapter and a distinctive font displaying the words of the story. For me to even mention it means that it had a positive effect on my reading experience, however slight an effect it was.

This book is one that though placed in the YA category, is a truly outstanding piece of fiction that anyone, of any age could enjoy. I will be recommending this book, and I will treasure my copy.